1. Describe 2022 in three words…
Shocking, emotive and diverse.

2. Plug those words in What3Words for your 2023 holiday destination. Where are you going?


3. Asda, ALDI, John Lewis, Boots or someone else? Which Christmas ad won your

heart and mind in 2022?

Obviously, Cadbury Secret Santa!

4. What’s your favourite ad/campaign of 2022?

Dove's reverse selfie gets my vote!

5. Mark Zuckerberg has asked to create your perfect Christmas in the metaverse. Where are you, who is cooking and what entertainment have you got lined-up?

At home surrounded by all my family and friends, cosy fire on and carols blaring out. Bit of madness, lots of laughs whilst my husband and I do the cooking! Entertainment, good question…Articulate board game always goes down a storm!

6. What do you want in your Christmas stocking in the old fashioned real world?

Seed trays to get the spring flowers going!

7. Elon Musk has gifted you a place on twitter’s board for Christmas. What would

you do to turn it around?


8. What’s going to be hot in marketing in 2023?
How to weave platform native interactivity into telling engaging brand stories.

9. How can marketers and brands ride the storm in 2023?
Be honest and truthful to themselves, remembering heritage and not chasing easy short-term wins.

10. 2023 is the Chinese year of the water rabbit, which symbolises longevity, peace and prosperity. What are you hoping for in the year ahead in the world of marketing and advertising?
The brands use their voices and influence as a force for good.

11. Top tip for 2023: What brand should we all be looking out for next year?
Anyone entering the Metaverse and Channel 4.

And finally…

12. Mince Pies - Christmas food heaven or hell?
Heaven all the way!

Laura Gray is Senior Brand Manager - Easter at Mondelez.