Why Enrol?

Thinking about signing up? Here’s a short video from Rory on why you should take the plunge + enrol in MAD//Masters today.

What will you learn to do?

MAD//Masters By Rory Sutherland offers a comprehensive learning experience that will enable you to:

  1. Fine-tune your business + career strategy with support from Rory Sutherland - one of the world’s most influential advertising authorities
  2. Understand your customer behaviour through a psychological lens, learn what makes them tick + reappraise how to communicate with them
  3. Learn how + when to take calculated creative risks that pay off - and give you a distinctive edge
  4. Develop a series of mental checklists to boost decision making, embrace difference + explore the outliers of conventional wisdom
  5. Connect the trinity of behavioural science, creative innovation + rigorous interrogation of your data to drive more effective campaigns


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