How do you ensure you have the best marketing talent in your team?

That is where I spend most of my time in this role: making sure that we know exactly what talent we need to ensure business success and cultural fit. Then I go out and find the best people we can afford. It has taken me time to build up the team – almost two and a half years – but it’s been worth every second because we have assembled a high performing and very strong team, who are a pleasure to work with. 

People are your biggest success drivers. They are your biggest company asset. If you get the right people, the rest will follow. 

Our Head of Communications and Sustainability is Will Hill and he used to be Head of Communications and Legal at British American Tobacco – a very challenging industry for communications, because you're constantly being challenged  by anti-tobacco campaigners. He’s a true expert in his field.

I mentioned that we recruited my digital director, Nick, from Missguided, because the fast fashion industry is where e-commerce is at its absolute pinnacle. For marketing, that’s edgy and cuts through, we looked to the previous Head of Mischief at Paddy Power and persuaded Harry Dromey to join our team. He’s definitely kept us front of consumer’s minds since!

For innovation, we looked to Compass, and found the brilliant Louise Pilkington, because Compass are constantly innovating and evolving the offer to meet the needs of consumers all over the world. 

And then we also have developed great internal talent with Hayley Pryde, a true Dominoid, to run Local Marketing, and Craig Donnellan, a master in Strategy and Insights, to run Revenue Management. 

Read the full interview here where Sarah also talks about her marketing journey, why creativity is more important than ever, and how Domino's is becoming the Netflix of its sector.

‘Little Grey Cells In Depth’ is Tim Healey’s profile interview platform where leading marketers share their valuable insights and experience, presented by Worth Your While.

Fractional marketing director and brand manager Tim Healey provides strategic marketing support that maximises the opportunity for success. Book your 15 minute meeting.

You might die tomorrow so make it worth your while. Worth Your While is an independent creative agency helping brands do spectacular stuff people like to talk about.