Does Anyone Really Give a Sh*t About Your Ads? feat. Nomad Foods
1 April 2020
If human attention spans are significantly shorter than those of a goldfish (5 seconds), how can brands make ads that cut through the noise? What can you do to stop your marketing investment from disappearing down the swanny?
Watch ‘Does anyone really give a sh*t about your ads?’ – a special MAD//Insight + Lumen webinar, featuring Nick Steel, head of Birds Eye-owner Nomad Foods’ growth strategy + Lumen MD, Mike Follett to explore:
- The DNA of ads that perform + the ones that flop.
- How to make digital + print ads that cut through + pull eyeballs like a magnet.
- New innovation + tech that can measure attention + drive effectiveness.
- Why advertising in the coronavirus crisis is a huge opportunity for brands.
- Fresh ideas on attention as advertising currency + how it can give you the edge.
“Everyone has a really short attention span, and you have to bombard them with content, content, content” – is RuPaul right or should you be taking a more targeted approach? The experts decide.