Earlier this year The Room, a global trading platform in which brands, charities and people of influence connect with each other over mutually beneficial partnerships, hosted a webinar, 'How Mars harnessed the power of brand ambassadors across their portfolio to achieve over 1M in reach'.

Alex Payne, founder of The Room, chatted to Chantal Barcelona, Media Manager at Mars, on the success they have seen through collaborating with true brand advocates and how a brand like Mars, with such an extensive portfolio of brands, uses The Room to generate brand awareness, authenticity and trust. 

With many of Mars brands, where the products are of low value, they were hesitant on whether people would actually bid on these products. However, as you can see from the results, multiple people came forward to advocate on their behalf because they have a genuine love for the products.

Not only that but the content that was created was of such high quality and a higher volume. Chantal Barcelona said how simple and effective they found setting up an opportunity on The Room and how much wasted time they claimed back on outreach as well as a significant amount of money saved on paying for influencers. 

Check out the full webinar replay here to see:

  • How Mars run a portfolio of brands like Snickers, Dolmio, Maltesers and many more.

  • The value brand love generates and benefits of working with brand advocates.

  • Strategy behind Mars achieving over 1M in reach.

  • How The Room helped manage their products across the year.

  • How Mars unlocks a vast variety of brand ambassadors.

The Room is a global trading platform in which brands, charities and people of influence connect with each other over mutually beneficial partnerships. It is a contra economy where success is based on collaboration not commercials.