Big news! The Alliance of Independent Agencies are once again rolling out the red carpet for the 2024 Independent Agency Awards. It's that time again to celebrate the amazing work you've been doing. This year, we're dialling it up a notch – expect a more dynamic and inclusive programme. Stay tuned for exciting updates about our judges, partners, and sponsors!

Why the Awards Rock: These awards are all about the clever, innovative campaigns you've been creating. They shine a spotlight on the diversity and sheer talent in our world of independents and showcases what makes independent agencies stand out. Bravery, agility, collaboration and outstanding client service! There’s nothing quite like seeing your hard work get a thumbs-up from industry pros and your clients. And hey, it’s a great boost for team spirit and getting your name out there.

Judges in 2024: Our judging panel is going to be epic – over 100 marketing professionals, with our commitment of 50% being senior decision making clients from the UK’s biggest brands. This means a wider range of perspectives, making the awards even more meaningful.

Come July, this could be you!!

Our partnership with MAD//Fest? Still going strong! It means the winning work gets the attention it deserves on the biggest stage, celebrating independent thinking and fresh ideas in our industry.

Time to Shine: Got some outstanding work? Start picking your best for submission. And don't miss the Early-Bird deadline on 1st March for a sweet deal on entry fees. If you've got your entries ready, we're all ears!

More Than Just Awards: It’s about celebrating independence and the incredible creativity you bring to the table. Every team member in a winning campaign gets their Wings – it’s our way of saying 'you smashed it and we value you!'

Keep an eye out for more details on the 2024 Awards coming your way soon. We can't wait to see what you've got in store!

Your Early Bird Deadline is now live! To enter the Independent Agency Awards, please click here -