1. Describe 2022 in three words…
Strong, social, diverse.

2. Plug those words in What3Words for your 2023 Holiday destination. Where are you going and what’s the vibe?
Québec City for a mindful but adventurous trip, steeped in history, discovering hidden gems off the beaten track.

3. Asda, ALDI, John Lewis, Boots or someone else? Which Christmas ad won your heart and mind in 2022?
It may be cliched but I’m a sucker for a soppy Christmas ad. John Lewis didn’t disappoint with their very touching tribute to foster families and children in care. Although a special mention should go to Disney for their short film which captured the magic of family and really pulled at the heartstrings. 

4. What’s your favourite ad/campaign of 2022?
I loved Virgin Atlantic’s See the World Differently which had their employees at the heart of the idea. It brilliantly captures the ethos of the brand by challenging stereotypes and celebrating diversity in all its brilliant forms. The campaign also resonated across a multitude of channels (including OOH), a great example of omnichannel planning.

5. Mark Zuckerberg has asked to create your perfect Christmas in the metaverse. Where are you, who is cooking and what entertainment have you got lined-up?
I love a traditional Christmas, so I’d be in a country house with roaring log fires. I’ll call on the power of the metaverse to ensure there’s fresh, fluffy snow, unlimited food from super-chef Jason Atherton, and post-lunch DJ sets from Solomun and Fat Tony. 

6. What do you want in your Christmas stocking in the old fashioned real world?
Self-care classics. Hand cream, chocolates, bath bombs!

7. Elon Musk has gifted you a place on twitter’s board for Christmas. What would you do to turn it around?
Give everyone roller skates as they’re going to have to move very quickly whatever happens! 

8. What’s going to be hot in marketing in 2023?
Media as a Responsible Choice – a combined focus on sustainability and DE&I.

A re-imagined omnichannel approach that truly combines not just online and offline but unifies channels that are now bought programmatically and via traditional means like CTV, DOOH, and audio.

Creativity! With added pressure on marketers to meet consumer needs and sentiment, I think we’ll see more variety in creative executions and with that more creative testing.

9. How can marketers and brands ride the storm in 2023?

Maintain a laser-focus on business objectives across the lifecycle of campaigns.

Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate! With data partners, media owners, technology platforms – many hands make light work. We all need to pull together like Rudolph and his reindeer friends.

Always be learning – from test and learn campaigns, to staying up-to-date with the latest insights from true thought leaders like Ian Whittaker and embracing change.

10. 2023 is the Chinese year of the water rabbit, which symbolises longevity, peace and prosperity. What are you hoping for in the year ahead in the world of marketing and advertising?
As marketers navigate 2023, I’d like to see a harmonious blend of brand and performance marketing campaigns considered as a strategic continuum rather than separate levers to be pulled tactically.

11. Top tip for 2023: What brand should we all be looking out for next year?
Gymshark – a truly pioneering brand in everything they do, and one that epitomises media for good. 

12. And finally…Mince Pies - Christmas food heaven or hell?
Heaven – mince pies are for life, not just for Christmas!