Describe 2022 in three words…

Solidifying, energising, chaos!

Plug those words in What3Words for your 2023 Holiday destination. Where are you going and what’s the vibe?

South Island, New Zealand. Rural wine tasting to a mountainous backdrop.

Asda, ALDI, John Lewis, Boots or someone else? Which Christmas ad won your heart and mind in 2022?

John Lewis got me. I’m biased as my husband worked on it and fostering and adoption are close to my heart, but John Lewis is the ultimate Christmas storyteller. I love the way they always seek out an unpredictable, yet thought provoking plot twist.

What’s your favourite ad/campaign of 2022?

P&G’s US campaign Widen the Screen. A content series that challenges perceptions and celebrates black joy, whlist also championing black talent in front of and behind the camera.

Mark Zuckerberg has asked to create your perfect Christmas in the metaverse. Where are you, who is cooking and what entertainment have you got lined-up?

I’m on the beach at Isla Holbox, Mexico. Simon Rogan has converted a shack into his kitchen for the day and is preparing a feast, whilst we snorkel with whale sharks.

What do you want in your Christmas stocking in the old fashioned real world?

A ticket to Mexico!

Elon Musk has gifted you a place on twitter’s board for Christmas. What would you do to turn it around?

Give him a big hug, fix him up with a fantastic therapist and quietly change the locks!

What’s going to be hot in marketing in 2023?

Community, discord, brands doubling down on purpose driven initiatives, mindful consumption over greenwashing and hyper-personalisation - with consumers recognising the value in their data.

How can marketers and brands ride the storm in 2023?

The temptation will be to divert spend to advertising initiatives that drive immediate commercial results. Yet in a world where consumers understand their value and the power of their choices, remaining true to your brand values and maintaining a relationship with your customers beyond transaction will be essential to staying the course.

With low-fi content gaining the most traction on social media today, brands can save spend on high production values and expensive endorsements, as long as they have a killer strategy for their social comms and are willing to give creators the flexibility to engage with their communities in the way that resonates deeply.

2023 is the Chinese year of the water rabbit, which symbolises longevity, peace and prosperity. What are you hoping for in the year ahead in the world of marketing and advertising?

I’m hoping for many of the same things that I’m predicting to be hot in 2023. Lots of brands have learnt that you have to put your money where your mouth is when it comes to purpose driven activity the hard way. Consumers, particularly the younger generations, are discerning and can sniff out a disingenuous campaign faster than my mum can sniff out an open bottle of wine! So with more brands taking conscious steps forward, I’m excited to see the change it will bring about.

Top tip for 2023: What brand should we all be looking out for next year?

Oddbox is a brilliant brand. Starting out in South London in 2016 and consistently adding new locations to their delivery map ever since, I’ve enjoyed following their journey. A brand that enables consumers to feel good about making a sustainable yet cost-effective choice is a business that I’d like to see thrive next year.

And finally…

Mince Pies - Christmas food heaven or hell?

Heaven, but only when hot and with ice cream.

Jess Markwood is COO at THE FIFTH.