MAD//Fest 2023 is all about celebrating pioneers, mavericks and innovators and this year, it's going a step further.

The team at MAD//Fest have created a place to celebrate female innovators, leaders, creators and disruptors; and so the Female Leaders' Bar has been born!. And it’s landed with a bang; .26 partners are joining the Female Leaders' Bar and dozens of female voices will be there, ready to be interviewed live on stage.

This area, within our industry's standout event, is all about elevating and celebrating female leaders and educating the future female founders.

This is not just for females; this is for everyone to understand that pioneers, thinkers, creative mavericks and change-makers come in all guises, and there should never be a barrier. Full stop - it shouldn’t exist. The education process is about ensuring we overcome any bias, unconscious or not, against women, and make sure that the whole sector is levelling up, growing, and evolving!

Throughout the 3 days, you’ll hear from women from leading brands such as Boots and Starling, as well as ad-tech, creative and media agencies. There’s a huge range, but all have one thing in common -  incredibly powerful female voices to lead the conversation. 

All of our speakers have done amazing things already, and are absolutely worth listening to. For me personally, I believe that there’s never been a better time to be a female leader, and this dedicated female leaders bar encompasses everything we have to be excited about. Every conversation, every connection, and every time events like MAD//Fest allow a space for female voices, it is helping us level up.

So, whether you are male or female, step up, step in and help even up the balance by joining the conversation at the Female Leaders' Bar.

Click here to secure one of the last remaining tickets to MAD//Fest London.