Digital Darwinism Author and Futurist Tom Goodwin used a MAD//Anywhere session last month to chart the rise of 8 modern marketing myths back to 2006, when “marketing lost its way, the internet became an engine for self doubt, we lost our sense of what was true, and the myths of marketing started”.

Although beliefs such as the idea that ‘change is happening faster than ever before’ commonly inform the strategies of marketers across the globe, Goodwin says the data often doesn’t support their existence and application. For Goodwin, focusing on the facts and not falling into the trap of believing myths is key to the progression of the industry. 

All MAD//Anywhere sessions are now available on the MAD//Fest YouTube channel.

Sessions include Sir Martin Sorrell’s growth predictions, Patagonia’s Alex Weller on how brands can use their platform to drive positive change, and Not On The High St CMO Ella D’Amato’s call for empathy in marketing.