Brand Innovation Challenge: AB InBev Picks Dotter To Help Them Personalise Their Offering
7 October 2022
Toni Radzihovska, AB InBev’s Global Director, Digital Consumer Products outlined the brief saying they were searching for “solutions and products that create personalised engagement with consumers of beer and other beverages,” adding, “the product should provide recurring value so that users come back to it at least once a month.”
Dotter will now have the chance to scale their business with AB InBev through a £20K pilot pitch.
Dotter’s solution is based on enriching all of AB InBev’s existing content by making it shoppable. By encouraging consumers to keep coming back and engage with information that they're looking for such as, how much does it cost? Where can we buy it etc.?
Naomi Broughton, Dotter’s MD and Client Success Director, went on to say, “we call 'it where to buy', but it is about so much more than delivering a link to an online retailer. For us. It's about joining the dots between consumer engagement across all of those touch points.”
Outlining the customer journey she added, “for example, if you swipe up on an Instagram campaign, the moment you swipe up, we know that it's 6 pm, a Friday night. We know you're in London, we know you're on a mobile device, we even know that it's 25 degrees outside. Therefore, we might present you a pub finder as your first interaction point get you to the pub. Somebody else swipes up on that exact same campaign. But this time, it's two o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. Let's give them a store locator…”
Speaking of the winning pitch, Radzihovska particularly liked the fact that they wouldn’t have to rely on a retail partner to sell their beer. AB InBev would own the purchase experience and get the data and insights off the back of it.
To find out more about Dotter’s solution and see their winning pitch, watch this short video.
The Brand Innovation Challenge was hosted by AB InBev's Toni Radzihovska and Co:Cubed Founder and CEO Jeremy Bassett, You can watch all the MAD//Fest London action including the PITCH//IT sessions from Boots, McCormick, EON, Coca-Cola, and M&S on our YouTube channel. Just select the ‘House of Innovation’ playlist for each day to catch all of the pitches.