1. 2022 will be the year of?

Focusing on people - customers and employees. There will also be a big focus on cost cutting and better money management. 

2. Who is your hero from the marketing and advertising world? Why?

I think John Hegarty is pretty legendary. He’s been such a pioneer in the world of advertising and creativity, and continues to change and evolve the industry today. 

3. What was the last ad your saw that made you buy something?

An Instagram ad for Rockett St George interiors. I have just had a new kitchen and the quirky products really appealed to me.

4. What’s your all time favourite advert/campaign and why? 

Not sure it’s my all time favourite, but I loved the ‘Extra gum’ ad - For when it’s time - about the world coming back to normality after covid. 

5. If you had to choose which one would it be - day WFH or day in the office?

Definitely the office. I get my buzz from being around people. 

6.What keeps you awake at night?

At the moment, the economy and how we are all going to be affected by the cost of living crisis. Also the “parent admin”, which is never ending!

7. 2022 is the year of the Metaverse, (apparently) - will you be an early adopter or a cynical onlooker?

At Starling we’re early adopters when it comes to most things! However when it comes to the Metaverse, until there’s a really compelling use case for it, and Meta cracks down on fraudsters on its platform, we’ll stay firmly on the sidelines.

8. Which brand, apart from your own, inspires you?

I love the LEGO brand. It’s been around since the 1930s and is still inspiring creativity in kids all over the world today. They’re a heritage brand but have constantly evolved and are still as appealing today. They do some smart partnerships too.

Rachel is inspired by LEGO and their brand partnerships.

9.What’s the biggest opportunity in marketing and advertising right now?

Looking at what consumers want and need as we navigate through another turbulent year. Through using your data and through asking for customer feedback. Being a relevant brand is more important than ever.

10. Which (emerging) trend or innovation of 2021 will have the greatest impact on the industry in 2022?

While technologies like AI and data-driven marketing will continue to grow, I think the big focus will be on people, not technology. Customer experience and employee engagement will be more important than ever.

11. What would you most like to change about the ad industry?

Less sexism and more diversity! I still see too many people being left out of advertising. We did some research into how women are portrayed visually with money. There were lots of missing women, including older women, women with disabilities, women wearing headscarves and women in same-sex relationships. We created an image gallery of all these women, better represented with money, that’s free for everyone to use. 

12. What are you speaking about at MAD//Fest next week? 

Keeping it real and our mission to change banking for good.

Rachel is speaking on the Creativity + Experience Stage at 1:50 pm on Day 2, 6 July.