MAD//Moments: Tom Rainsford, Marketing Director, Beavertown Brewery

27 Oct, 2023

MAD//Moments in partnership with THE FIFTH: In a new series of short interviews at MAD//Fest, we asked the great and the good key questions about how brands should ride the storm of disruption. This week Tom Rainsford argues that good brands make noise during bad times.

Tom Rainsford, Director of Marketing at disruptive brewery brand Beavertown, believes that the way to weather the economic storm is to make noise!

In the short interview on THE FIFTH’S VIP roof terrace at this summer’s MAD//FEST  Rainsford said: “I think good brands make noise during bad times. There are endless studies that say that brands who upgrade their marketing or do something different, be vocal and put their head above the parapet, have a better time coming out of those challenges.” 

And in true MAD//Fest fashion, Rainsford said that periods of economic downturn should be seen as a time of potential: “We see it as an opportunity, where others might be quiet, we can get louder”

Watch the full interview here, where he also talks about the importance of creativity in the collaborations they enter and the very distinctive design on their cans and pumps in pub.

‘MAD//Fest Moments’ is a series, in partnership with THE FIFTH in which prominent industry leaders share emerging trends, challenges and opportunities. We’ll be covering these interviews over the rest of the year in MAD//Insight. 

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